The wrap that we originally had done to rowyns helmet didnt last very long...
There is a chemical that they typically use in the application process that he didnt feel comfortable using on her helmet because, well, A. shes so little...and B. because its going on her head(on her skin)
So needless to say... the pink camo wrap didnt last long...
My second thought was to take it to the mall and have it airbrushed(was really excited about this) but when we go there, they told us that it would probably rub off in like a week( i appreciated their honesty, most places would've taken the money and ran)...they just said that they didnt have a high sucess rate with the doc band helmets...something about the type of plastic they are and their paints not sticking right...
So my last resort was to do it my self... here are my results... let me know what you think
PS Thank you Janet and Mom for helping me.
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