Ok, so we started solids on 11/26/08... everything went really well.
I was actually surprised at how quickly she picked up the whole, spoon to the lips, thing.
I have some video too...
But, over the last week i have noticed that she has become less and less interested.
I am still feeding on an every three hour schedule,(8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm) because everything I read says not to change any of that because, we are just getting her used to the spoon at this point.
I dont know if she's just plain not into it... and therefore its my responsibility to be consistant and sit there with her until she finishes.(she doesnt make the eating time rules,... i do)
Or, if she is still full from the last feeding, so therefore i dont want to "be consistant" and force feed an unhungry baby.
Or has it just come to the time where her schedule begins to get more and more spread out.
I am just having a hard time staying consitant with my scheduling methods vs. knowing when the stages in her eating habits change.
Please comment and leave me some advice.
Love, Megan
That video was so cute. It is so amazing how fast they grow.
Don't fret over it...but yes, she will probably want to eat less often b/c it is more filling food! It is no biggie though, she will let you know when she is hungry...also if you are doing baby cereal...they have different flavors that my kids liked!
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