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Update on Positional Plagiocephaly(6m ck up)

Update: Chris and I took Rowyn to the peditrician for her 6m check up...
He confirmed that she was in fact a good candidate for a Cranial Helmet. DANGIT!
So we have scheduled an appt with CranialTech for 1-9-09
I will keep you all posted once we see those physicians and get more info.
Dr. Foster also said that since Rowyn was now 6m, we could now take her to the eye doctor to get her clogged tear duct treated. We have an appt on 1-5-09. I will keep you posted on how that goes as well.
On a better note: everything else checked out awesome for our little one... she is now 21lbs 10oz, her head is 18 1/4 in., and she is 27in long... she is still off the charts in all three categories(over 95th percentile)

We have been eating solid foods for a month now, and so far so good... no allergies, no reactions, no disliked flying food... she has been really open to all then new flavors. I decided today, after getting the advice from Dr. Foster, to go ahead and bump her up to stage 2 foods, which have alot more flavors to experience.
We did deal with our first common cold, (runny nose, congestion, cant eat because she cant breathe) but i am happy to inform that after many vapor baths, being slathered in vapor rub, and pinning her down to suck the snot out of her nose every 30min, we seem to be clearing up!

-------------PREVIOUS POST-----------------
We go back to the doctor tomorrow to see if Rowyn will need a helmet.
Remember this POST back in October.
This was then(Oct)(4months old) This is now(Dec)(6months old)
Chris and I both think it has gotten alot better, hopefully the doctor will agree.
We still think she will be super cute even if she has to get a helmet.

I will keep you all updated.


Misty Rice said...

Thats okay, we are getting Morgan a helmet for wearing around the house. She has went boom so much lately, rolling off her mat, trying to crawl and we have hard marble floors and she doesnt' stay on her mat. So we want to get her a little helmet that she wears around the house to protect her head. They come in read good hand when they attempt to walk, so she and Morgan can be little twinkies. Her laying on her tummy in that picture above, reminds me of Morgan. LOL

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update....I will keep y'all in our thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Yes yes yes...Aunt Sharon has taken the cold away from Rowyn...Hooray for Aunt Sharon! ...except...yea, I don't feel so hot and it's NEW YEARS EVE! :( lol ...and I miss my Little!!! I want to squeeze her and kiss her little face off...but I don't want to get her sick I'll have to wait. :(

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