I have put this off, again and again out of sheer fear of cutting her little fingers by mistake.
Finally, Chris decided that he would take on the task...
then there was blood...
and then tears, on both Rowyn and my part...
Oh, i just about lost it... I felt so bad for her... little...
Chris quickly realized that it wasnt as easy as he thought it would be...
So we decided to resort to the trust nail file...
Along with a warm bottle... poor little thing...
Any suggestions on clipping baby nails? This incident has only increased my fear of the dreaded clippers...HELP Please...
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Okay so the same thing happened to me with Hunter, clip, blood and scream with tears. I hated it. I felt awful and so every time it was time to do Morgan i woud cringe.
Well I have these baby clippers with the magnifying glass on top of it. Morgan typically does well if I go outside while she sits in the SLING, and I sort of walk around slowly while she explores her surrounding, and I talk to her and little by little I clip each nail. The secret though is this.....
When you go to clip the nail use one hand to and your own finger nail to pull her nail back and away from her skin. Make sure the bottom of the clipper gets under and in between the nail and skin and since her nails are soooo thin anyways, you barely have to press on the clippers. Sometimes I press just enough to break the nail and then I pull the rest of it all, this way I will know if I got skin before clipping it off.
I have also done it after she doses off after a bottle!!!
When filing the nail, dont go up and down or side by side..... almost do it like the nail techs do when 'buffing' our nails. Brush the soft side of the a nail filer a bunch of times from top of nail downwards a few times to soften those corners and sharp spots. Morgan has gotten to where she really knows how to "dig" her nails, so I feel like I am clipping them all the time.
Hope that helps.
How to Clip Your Baby's Nails
Step1Buy a good-quality infant grooming set. Make sure your set includes infant-sized nail clippers and blunt edged scissors, as well as infant nail files.
Step2Clip nails when your baby is in deep sleep when you can clip safely without your little one squirming around.
Step3Depress the fingernail away from the skin. Apply slight pressure on the skin under the fingernail making the nail stick out.
Step4Trim the nail in one motion along the curve of the finger. Cutting the nail straight across or with three short clips may leave sharp edges.
Step5Check your baby's nails two to three times a week. Toe nails do not grow as quickly and need to be clipped maybe once a week, but your infant's fingernails will grow fast and need frequent clipping.
Nail file as you did OR bite them off. I know that sounds crazy, but it works.
I still to this day file Rileigh's nails every Saturday morning.
Soak her hands in warm water while she is sleeping...it will make her nails soft and you won't have to "pinch" the nail so hard...and do it while she is asleep. I have done that with all of my babies and had great success.
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