Happy Freakin Thanksgiving to me!
This is what we woke up to on Thanksgiving morning...
Yep, this is my new car that Chris just recently bought me in September... then he was nice enough to have it all decked out for me for me, as an anniversary gift in October...
We think that Wrangler scared them away just as they busted the window...
originally we thought that we were not missing anything... amazed!
but then i realized that yes, they did get my radar detector...
We called the local sheriff, and they sent a deputy out to make a report...
and Chris set up an appt with an electrician to install motion sensors on all the lights.
We also called Brinks Home Security and scheduled an appt for a quote to have a securtiy system and cameras installed.
Needless to say, we were late to Thanksgiving with our family...but only by 20minutes...
Awww...that stinks!! I'm so sorry about your pretty car and your radar! Well, they'll get what they deserve someday!! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving anyway:)!!
Man, that sucks!! Crazy, careless people!
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