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7-19-08 Update on Rowyn's Ear

Just wanted to update everyone(see previous post below)... we didnt have to take Rowyn to get her little ear fixed... after being home just a couple of days... it corrected itself... here is a current picture.



HER RIGHT EAR IS FLATTENED OUT ON THE TOP...PROBABLY BECAUSE OF HOW SHE WAS LAYING IN THE WOMB...THE PEDITRICIAN SAID THAT WE COULD TAKE HER TO CHILDRENS HOSPITAL TO HAVE AN EAR MOLD PUT IN, WITHIN 7 DAYS, he described it as a small round, tube-like object that they would insert at the top of the ear(where is should curvve)and secure the ear, over time, would kinda just mold around it...IT IS A COMPLETELY COSMETIC, AND NON-SURGICAL... CHRIS and I first thought that we would take her in... but now it appears to be correcting we will see what happens...

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Love, Chris, Megan & Rowyn Sommer

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1 comment:

The Prestons said...

Yea for Rowyn's ear...I'm sure it will be just perfect!!

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