I found this new bottle/sippy cup that Rowyn loves, so i went to Babies R Us yesterday and bought the shelf out.
While i was there i noticed that that they had the conversion "soft sipper spouts" so that this bottle will then convert into a true sippy cup... one problem... they only had the "soft sipper spouts" in the "standard neck bottle" size... and I had a cart full of the wide neck bottles...
so i started hunting for the wide neck soft sipper spouts... i looked and looked... surely if they make these for the standard size bottles, why would they not make them for the wide-neck bottles...right?
Finally, i asked an associate for help... she looked and found a spot on the shelf, that she thought was where they were suppossed to be hanging... but she wasnt sure...
Cart still full of all these bottles that i must have, we are done with baby bottles, we are trying to convert to sippy cups and i must have thesse bottles...grr...
She suggests that she looks in their computer, which basically means she gets on babies r us online... no luck... she cant find them there either... grr...
I am determined that i will buy my cart full of wide neck bottles... so i go back to the shelf, grabbed a package of the sipper spouts and two of the standard size bottles(just so i will have those to go with the sipper spouts)
Then i go over to the empty spot on the shelf, and i am looking at the tag as if the information is going to just stick in my head... im thinking that i will go home and be my own inspector gadget in my quest to find these dang sipper spouts...
Finally, i realize that there is no way that i will remember all these little numbers on the tag... so i am looking around like for a sign from god... then im like "Mam, Do you have a pen in your purse" This random black lady with a big purple streak in her hair is there shopping for her newly pregnant 16 year old daughter... nice right?
Luckily she had a pen and she was nice enough to let me barrow it... i flipped over the package of "standard sipper spouts" and jotted down all the info on the suspected tag. I gave the pen back to the nice women and she offered it to me to keep. I declined, and made my way to the check out counter...
When i got home i began my search... nothing... they dont have the wide neck sipper spouts on the babies r us website, so then i went straight to the manufacturer site... couldnt find them their either... oh and by the way... the standard spouts are not on the babies r us site either... so what the heck is up with that, how are we suppossed to ever know what they truely carry and dont carry if their website is not consistent with the store...
I emailed the manufacturer and am still waiting to hear back, but i make this plea to you all... if you happen to go to your local babies r us, or any baby store for that matter, please check the shelf for these dang little sipper spouts... i need them super bad...
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