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Blog Headers

Some of you know that I have recently bought some new photo software and to be quite honest... I'm Addicted!
I have been playing around with it and somewhat figured out how to build "blog headers" or you could call them layered photos...
I wanted to share them with you. Please let me know what you think.

This one is currently posted on Rowyns Blog.
Rowyn Grace Sommer

Rileigh Greer McBain

Watch Me Grow - The Preston Family

Kelsie BreAnne Holden

Ryan Christopher Soza

We Shoot Shit Hunting Club

Please go to Our Blog & Click "Comments" and let us know what you think about this post!

Love, Chris, Megan & Rowyn Sommer

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Misty Rice said...

OMG girl these are AMAZING. You are so talented. I am seriously jealous for I have not even had the chance to attempt in plaing with my program. I am asking you for all the details. I am still having some issues in my marriage, a single mom of 2 so I am swamped and I have a lot going on. But seeing what you have learned in shut a short amount of time makes me so excited to get started myself. LOVE IT!!!! You go girl..

We Three Smiths + 1 said...

It is addicting, isn't it?? I will spend hours playing with that stuff. One of my friends just got started too and we were talking about starting a little group that gets together once a week and works on pages. That way we could share things we've learned, etc...Your stuff looks really, really good! I did Ryder's Birthday Invite this year...never posted it, but it turned out pretty cute!

Anonymous said...

I have to honest and say my favorite is the we shoot shit club!! No really, that software is totally cool! What is it called?

The Prestons said...

I love them're awesome! I may the catching that "addiction bug"! LOL~

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