Very touching ...take the time to Read it.
January 2008
1-12 Beginning of the Story
1-14 Explaining the boo-boo's
1-17 I Thee Wed
1-23 Little Miracles
1-25 Promises
February 2008
2-01 Disney World
2-06 Tea Cups
2-15 In the Mourning
2-20 The Gift Giver
2-22 Our Sweet Audrey Girl
March 2008
3-04 Home Again
3-05 The Binding
3-06 I Surrender All
3-11 I Surrender All(Song)
3-12 Daily Bread
3-13 Life
3-13 A Different Miracle
3-16 On the Road
3-18 So Much More
3-19 Sawyer
3-23 How Deep
3-27 Alot to Say
3-28 Carry You
April 2008
4-01 4:7
4-06 He
4-07 2:00pm Update
4-07 Angie is in Surgery
4-07 Audrey Caroline is Here
4-07 Audrey Caroline is in Heaven
4-07 Time Together
4-08 Ways you can Help
4-08 Maternity Photos
4-09 Your comments, emails & letters
4-11 A Letter to my Daughter
4-22 Blossom
4-25 Slideshow
4-28 Cross Point Video
4-29 Tilted
May 2008
5-03 Clay
5-09 Grateful
5-13 Surprise
I Emailed my friends and family for thoughts, wanted to share their wisdom with you...
I wrote:
...did u read Bring the Rain... I was up til 1am reading the entire story Jan 2008 til now and now I'm puzzeled with questions as to what reason this story has been put in front of me...what is god about to teach me...i know there has to be a reason & I know that I am suppossed to just trust him...but it scares me...makes me wonder...makes me worry... meg
Pam Rhodes(My Mom) wrote:
...What a story, that, in the midst of everything else she is going through God gives her wisdom to maintain and carry on for the family she has right now, and the strength to share with others in this time of crisis. So lets count our "stomachs and kidneys" and be glad... and not take them for granted. And not take our health and every day life for granted. We should always look for the rainbows in this life, and honey this baby "Rowyn" is the first of many rainbows so hang on. Babies are sweet, and your bond with her will be like no other bond you can imagine. You will be a great mother, you have sooo much love to give. Don't worry you are going to be okay and you will have a healthy baby I feel it. I love you! What a touching story and I will pray for them tonite and yes they will stay in my mind as well. I can't imagine why these things happen but I know just like she said that God has a plan and if nothing else but for HiM to make you and me step back and examine our lives then HE has done that though her. God bless you baby, and good night.
Much love,
Jessica Greer-McBain wrote:
Jessica Greer-McBain
...i read january but i couldn't sit there and read it because it took me like an hour just to read that and i needed to get rileigh to bed and all that good stuff but the faith that women has in God is amazing i believe but ya know everyone has their moments where they think they are being punished but she took that whole situation and made it something amazing
dont look at it like it is something bad you know little rowyn is ok you have had tons of sonos it might be that He is wanting you to be a little more faithful i dont want you to think i am being that preacher woman but dont just actomaticaly assume that He has put this in front of you for a bad reason look for the positive
Love, Jessica
Jessica Hodson-Adeniji wrote:
...Honey, God puts stories like that in front of us to makes us realize how blessed we are when things go right, and he also shows us that in each of us there is a survivor for when things go wrong. You don't need to worry, you just need to keep the message in your heart and know that whether life goes one way or another... you will make it!
I can tell you that after losing Jason and then Kunle, two of the most innocent and kind hearted people I have ever met, I knew that God put both of them in my life for a reason. Some people turn away from God when they lose their loved one, because they think God made a mistake or is punishing us by taking them too soon. But you just can't look at it that way...
Love you! Jessica
Misty Rice-Baniewicz wrote:
Misty Rice-Baniewicz
...Yes of course I read and I have sobbed so much over it in the last 3 days. I couldn't pull myself away from it either. But before I answer your email I want to apologize to you as a friend for sending it to you during your pregnancy. My friend actually made me stay away from it until AFTER I had Morgan for the same reasons of not wanting to bring fear into my mind as I see I have now done to you. I am sorry for that and I too should have waiting until after you have your beautiful HEALTHY child.
It is my opinion that this was placed in front of you YES for a reason, but not always or necessarily for a negative reason. God loves for his children to have a healthy fear of him so they will want to please and obey him, but he doesn't want you to have just pure fear of him. God has plans and his plans are to posture us and grow us. He loves you like you love that growing child in your belly. He will NEVER give you (us) more than we can handle.
I have talked a lot with God about this story of this beautiful little girl. He knows I am afraid that I would never be strong enough to handle such a thing like this family has. I admire this mother and father and how brave and strong they are being. Did you watch the 22 minute video too? In watching the video you can see the hurt, pain and sadness in their faces, eyes and voices as they speak about this story. Yet at the same time you since a peacefulness about them and a joy about it all too. It truly is an amazing story isn't it? I have prayed a lot for this women as a mother to a mother. I pray over my children at night and with them. I told Morgan while rocking her one night of this story of Audrey. It has truly touched my heart and soul.
However I didn't' start to question God why this was sent to me and is he trying to prepare me for something. I simply took it as a healthy reminder to see just how amazingly blessed I truly am. I was complaining and even cried a couple of times about my c-section scar. I will NEVER complain about it again now and I will see it as a beautiful reminder of my beautiful blessing.
At nights (especially like last night) when Morgan screams for hours and is very hard to like very much..... I think of this story and calm myself down from being angry with Morgan because I know there are moms out there who wish they had a screaming child in their arms keeping them awake all hours of the night.
So maybe instead of letting fear seek in, let the goodness of all your blessing surface and make you smile and give a HUGE grateful thanks to to God. I loved the fact that God let them meet her alive. I love the fact that God let them know she would not live in advance so they can do this story, take her to disney and prepare their hearts for this kind of loss. Imagine if they didn't know all they did and the baby died after being born. That would have been more devastating I think. I love this women's ability to write, express her TRUE emotions and to be real.
So if you have been worried about your weight gain, or the nursery, or any small stuff..... just realize how small our complaints really are next to stories like this. Imagine how this hit me when both that little boy and this little girls due date was April 14th, the day that God chose to let me bring home my beautiful healthy boy and chose those two moms to say good-bye to theirs.
I am going to also send you the devotion I get via email from Purpose Driven Life. It talks about how we are all going to go through storms, so to not think we will be get away with out any storms in our lives, but God will test us when he wants, our faith in him so to embrace the blessings, be thankful (REALLY THANKFUL) and really trust your God as you would a trusting parent and know he wants nothing but the best for you. He wants to build your character and grow you his loving daughter that is pleasing to God.
I hope this helps you. Please don't stress or worry...... truly tell God your thoughts and worries. As Angie said... God wants to you to bring everything to him even things like this. I was not nice last night, I almost lost my patients with Morgan for I was so exhausted and tired. I found myself angry and cursing in the middle of the night because she would just not stop crying and let me sleep. Then today I look at her and I just feel guilty that mommy cursed about her fussing while another mom visits a grave.
Maybe this story was placed in front of us to share to someone that also needed to hear it and the only way they could get it was passing through us? Or maybe God wanted Audrey to be heard by many others and we were just pass-ons? Maybe God wanted to remind us and humble us of our own blessings? I don't think God shared this story to scare us or to warn us of any danger of our own children. I think this story was to be a POSITIVE thing.
Sorry I got too deep on you there.....
Be a peace girl....
Hugs, Misty
Janet Allen wrote:
...I think this message is for everyone. Life is full of struggles. Marriage, financial, parenting, etc... But with God, all things are possible.
Also, this might be a reminder to all expecting and new moms. A baby is miracle from God. Not every woman can conceive or not every baby is born healthy. So, just remember like she said give God the praise for the simplest thing as five fingers and toes.
God blesses us every day whether we except that blessing is up to us.
To me, this reminds me to take every day, hour and minute for what it is and live for the seconds. We don't know how long we or our children will be around, so make sure they know you love them and show them every chance you get. When I drop the kids off at school every morning I tell them that I love them. I can't predict the future, so I want them to hear it as much as possible.
Also, remember patience, we always want God to fix it now. But, we don't realize that he might be trying to teach us something to take with us in our journey and once we get that, God will finish the rest.
God is awesome, he created a baby, down to toe nails. He thought of everything and how blessed women should be because we get the first hand experience of watching and feeling that baby grow. Don't take it for granted, love every minute and remember the pain, but believe me it is worth it in the long run. I could not see my life without Sarah and Colby, they truly make our lives complete.
Love, Janet
Laura Rhodes(My Aunt) wrote:
Hello Megan,
Awesome story. Can't imagine going through something like that.
Don't know that she could have without Jesus. I did go to her
Blog and read more of the story. Couldn't help but cry. Thanks
for sharing. These are things that we don't understand, but just
have to trust God for. Why she wasn't healed....we don't really
know. Maybe to reach other people for Christ - to change lives -
to cause people to think about their own relationship with Jesus.
I do know he seeks to have a personal, intimate relationship with
each one of us.
Love you, Sis,
Aunt Laura
Donna Cribbs wrote:
...I was completely amazed when I opened that e-mail regarding Todd’s family. Selah is my absolute favorite Christian group ever. I have read all of the blogs about their baby and of course cried most of the day. Above all it was very refreshing to read words typed by someone with such a strong faith in God and to feel that faith with every entry.
Thank you for sending me this. I needed it.
Shea Nutt wrote:
...Ok here is what I think. I have a very close friend that went through the same thing. I think that you should trust in him. Your baby is very healthy and you have already been blessed by his hands. I think it is unfortunate that families have to go through these things but God always has a purpose for everyone in life even if we don't want to understand it. You are blessed Meg. Don't worry! :)
Love, Shea
Larissa Soza wrote:
Please don't ever send me something like that ever…My eyes are still puffy from all the crying. I don't think I could ever be as strong as The Smith's. They truly are remarkable people. They're grace and poise shows through in the pictures that were taken in the short time they had with their Audrey. I think my breaking point was when Abby drew a picture and wanted to sent it to her. Ryan happened to come in the room as I sit at the computer sobbing. I sometimes forget what a blessing Ryan really is. The fact that he was born healthy, with no complications. I take that for granted. Children are a blessing. They are sent here to teach us. I believe that Audrey was sent here to teach us something valuable. I'm sure everyone interpretation is different, but in the end the message is the same.
Megan, I believe that this story was sent to you, because you can appreciate the message. You will be a extraordinary mother. You have more love in your heart than anyone I have ever met. Rowyn is a very lucky girl to have chosen you. Yea, I know it sound corny, but I believe babies choose us. I till this day believe my daddy had a hand in picking the best boy to sent to me and I like to believe that the same is true for little Brady.
OK, so to summarize: my eyes are still puffy from crying, YOU will be a fantastic mother and Rowyn will be perfect, absolutely breathe taking, in fact.
XOXO, Larissa
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