**Email Kyle & Shanda Carpenter**
5/7/08 Email from Shanda:
We had our first sonogram today. It measured right on target for 7 weeks 3 days and the heartbeat was 157 bpm Shanda Carpenter
5/7/08 Email from Kyle:
Well, it has been a very blessed and eye-opening day. Shanda and I went to our first sonogram today. For those of you that may not know yet, Shanda and I are expecting our first child after a long road of heartache and plenty of money spent. God has finally granted us our wish of becoming parents. Now, I know that we have a long ways to go with just being 7 weeks and three days along but just seeing that little baby jumping and moving today was just a very proud moment for and Shanda.
I do not usually send out mass e-mails like this but my excitement has overtaken me and lead me to send this out to our family and friends. I know that I can speak for Shanda on this so we are very thankful for all of the thoughts and prayers that you and many others have wished upon and for us over the last couple of years. I always knew the strength of prayer was strong but never did I think it would hit me like this.
Well, we have many months ahead of us and many more surprises and precious moments and we will share as many as we can with all of you. It is people like you that have helped keep us going when we thought all hope was lost.
So I end this e-mail with a request;
Please keep Shanda, myself and Baby Carpenter in your thoughts and prayers as well as all of our dear friends and family that have just given birth to beautiful babies or that are expecting in the very near future. Also, please keep in your prayers all of those friends and family members that may be ailing and fighting the good fight for extended life and long lasting health.
First of many loving e-mails from "One proud, soon to be Dad"!!!!!
We love you all!!!! Kyle Carpenter
1 comment:
Wow tons of a great new pictures girl. I love it. I see a congrats goes out to Kyle and his wife Shanda. How very exciting. I love all these new little babies coming into the world. God Bless them all.
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