Rowyn is ready...
Strippin' her down for the doctor...
Waitin' on the Doc... i told her she would spend a life time waiting on
She got hungry waiting...
Asked the doctor about her skin peeling, he said that is normal with newborns and just to soak her down with lotion...
Her left eye tear duct is clogged and has been since birth... he said that there is nothing to do other than continue to wipe with a warm clean cloth from the inside corner of the eye to the outside corner
Rowyn's Stats...
Weight: 8lbs 5oz(she gained 10oz, in one week)
Lenght: 20.75(she grew a quarter of an inch in one week)
Head: 15.4(same as delivery)
Next we were sent down to the lab
to get the other half of her newborn screening... they did the first half in the hospital(heel prick)... so she had to get her other little heel pricked today to complete the test...
Waiting on the Lab Tech...
"Are you ready baby?"
Lab tech... she had some questions to ask first... just prolonged the agony of it all if you ask me... lol...
"ok, baby... here we go..."
The top of the room was filled with beanie babies...
She looks so scared...mommy was scared too...
Click, Click... and there is the blood... eeeekkkk!
Whhhhhaaaaaahhhhhh... just one quicfk screech, and she was ok....
"I wish this women would hurry up and stop squeezing on my heel"
Rowyns completed test... yippeee!
Rowyns battle wounds...
And, its time to go... Let's get the heck outta here!
Aw so sweet. Yea the dry skin is normal. As for the tear duct... Morgan had that and my doctor told me to keep wiping it with a warm gauze and then take my finger (with SHORT finger nails) and massage inside the corner of her eye a few times a day. Also make sure to go ahead and do BOTH eyes so not to keep pushing the stuff to each eye back and forth. It worked in about a week.
I wish you guys could have come down to see me.
I am going through some personal stuff so please keep me in your prayers.
Yeah, I agree, massaging it is what I did too!! Poor Rowyn...all those needles...but she looked adorable!!
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